✪✪✪✪✪Sequel to Drift Zone!!✪✪✪✪✪
5/5 “Great game! The graphics are unreal, The cars handle perfectly, Get this racing game!”
5/5 “No doubt it's the most addictive game for Android”
Over 30 diffrent racing tracks are ready for the ultimate sports car driver to burn rubber and compete for gold in the best android racing game . Stunning graphics, Unique sports cars especially designed to achieve a realistic driving experience and challenging missions that require both real racing skills and xtreme coordination.
✪ If you are a drift racing enthusiast = This is the game for You!
✪ Burnout on each challenge = one set of your racing car tires burned!
✪ Just One rule = You can only score if you are driving sideways
✪ Burnout on each challenge = one set of your racing car tires burned!
✪ Just One rule = You can only score if you are driving sideways
With a wide range of racing cars all ready to drift race and lots of race tracks to compete on this stylish and exciting race game you can be sure you'll drive for hours...
Drift zone 2 na: Google Play
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