Gunner Battle City War is the second game of a popular game which is "Gunner Battle City " definitely recommended for you!
The hothead gangsters have taken over the major part of the capital and openly demonstrating their crimes and their power due to political influence. It has become a city of crimes where is law is superior for poor and rich and criminals make the law.
You are the best warrior of your army and you are given some duties to destroy your enemy's forces in several countries of the world. You are equipped with great full automatic guns and bazookas. Your enemy is also really good equipped with even airforce and tank support. There is a fierce fight waiting for you. You will be awarded for your success in the gunner's battlefield if you destroy enemy forces including infantries tanks and helicopters. With these awards you may buy guns air supports health guards and many more. So you can defend yourself and your country with monetary support. So you can buy mercenary airforces. We know that air force support is great plus for your success at war. In this game you will be under fire of tanks, infantries (Gunmen) and helicopters
Gunner Battle City War na: Google Play
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