The First F2P Version of Doodle God Ever
Includes New Game Features & Magic Chests!
Universal App that Works Great on Your Phone and Tablet
Features the NEW Planet & Mission Modes
Over 185 Million Players Worldwide!
Available in 13 Languages
Over 185 Million Players Worldwide!
Available in 13 Languages
In this addictive, ALL ages, puzzle game mix and match different combinations of fire, earth, wind and air to create an entire universe! As you create each element watch your world come alive as each element animates on your planet. The new “Planet” mode offers a new way to create a universe of your dreams. As you successfully combine elements watch your planet come alive as you play. Watch Volcanoes and Skyscrapers appear before your eyes!
Doodle God Blitz na: Google Play
Atenção: Para Fazer download voçê tera que aguarde 5 segundo e Clicar em FECHAR PROPAGANDA
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